Umbrella Hub Organization (UHO)

The Y is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between traditional healthcare and community-based preventive strategies to improve the health outcomes in our community. In partnership with the state of Wisconsin Chronic Disease Division and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee is forming an Umbrella Hub Organization (UHO). The YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee will serve as the hub (lead) of the UHO and invite other Ys to join the UHO as subsidiaries. The UHO will include a Health Benefits Network that will create an insurance reimbursement model for YMCA Evidence-Based Health Interventions. Ys participating in the UHO will utilize Welld Health, an electronic medical record system, for data collection and reporting, referral management, and claims submission. The Welld Health participant portal allows Y members and participants to monitor their own health data and track their progress toward achieving their health goals.

Joining forces has many benefits, including increasing the leverage that Ys have with their payors, creating an infrastructure for claims-based payments, and making it easier to become a Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) supplier. Our collective impact will create sustainability for YMCA Evidence-Based Health Interventions and allow us to better serve all in our community.

For more information on the UHO, contact:

Hanna Misiak
Health Integration Operations Executive
YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee
(P) 414-357-2825